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TitleThe Cost of International Trade in Services: Regularity and Chinese Experience  
作者胡宗彪 王恕立  
AuthorHu Zongbiao and Wang Shuli  
OrganizationSchool of Business Administration,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;School of Economics,Wuhan University of Technology 
中文关键词服务业 贸易成本 国家差异 部门差异 替代弹性 
Key WordsService Sectors; Trade Cost; Country Difference; Sector Difference; Substitution Elasticity 
内容提要本文基于具有微观理论基础且更符合现实的双边贸易成本非对称假设的测度框架,首次采用世界投入产出表的大样本数据(861000个观测)对国际服务贸易成本演变的规律特征及中国的现实表现进行了全面考察。结果表明:(1)与Miroudot et al.(2010)的研究结论相异,我们发现国际服务贸易成本呈下降趋势,这与商品贸易成本的演变轨迹一致,且前者的下降速度低于后者;(2)不论是高收入还是中等收入经济体,国际服务贸易成本均高于商品贸易成本,且生活性服务部门的贸易成本大约是生产性服务部门的近两倍(前者降速低于后者);(3)不论是服务还是商品,高收入国家的贸易成本均低于中等收入国家,且前者在进入新世纪后的下降速度低于后者;(4)中国的现实表现与全球范围的规律特征基本一致。首次测度中国服务业分部门的贸易成本结果表明,运输(水运、空运等)及邮电通信部门的贸易成本相对较低,可能原因在于这些部门广泛应用信息通讯技术等提高了可贸易性,但与多数制造业部门相比仍然较高。 
AbstractThis paper comprehensively investigates the change regularity and China’s reality of international trade costs in services, using a theory-based methodology with a more realistic assumption that bilateral trade costs are asymmetric, and the large sample data of world input-output table (861000 observations). The results show that: (1) Different from Miroudot et al. (2010), we find the cost of international trade in services is in downward trend which is consistent with the change path of goods trade costs, and falling speed of the former is lower than the latter; (2) Whether high-income or middle-income economies, international trade costs in services are higher than in goods sectors, and trade costs in consumer services are nearly two times larger than in producer services (falling speed of the former is lower than the latter); (3) Whether in services or goods, trade costs of high-income economies are lower than that of middle-income economies, and falling speed of the former is lower than the latter after entering the 21st century; (4) China’s reality is consistent with the world’s change regularity. Measuring trade costs in China’s services sub-sectors for the first time and the results show that trade costs in transport (water and air, etc.) and post and telecommunications sectors are relatively low, possible reason is that extensive application of information and communication technology improves the tradability, but still higher than in most of manufacturing sectors. 
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