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TitleUnemployment and Delaying Retirement in A Model Based on DMP Theory  
作者姚东旻 刘子先 王佑文 张洲弛  
AuthorYao Dongmin,Liu Zixian,Wang Youwen and Zhang Zhouchi  
OrganizationSchool of National Fiscal Development of Central University of Finance and Economics; Chinese Academy of Finance and Developemnt of Central University of Finance and Economics 
中文关键词失业率 延迟退休 劳动力市场匹配模型(DMP模型) 产业结构 
Key Words DMP Model; Delaying Retirement; Unemployment Rate 
AbstractThis paper presents a model where young and old workers compete for two types of jobs in the presence of retirement opportunity and job change. This model is based on the DMP model with some additional assumptions----two types of firms and possibility of changing jobs. We adopt the simulation method to see the impact of delaying retirement on the unemployment rate of youngsters and try to find the logic why such changes would happen. Within this framework, we show that the delaying retirement (such as an increase of the retirement age) would cause an increase of the unemployment rate of youngsters when we assume that the percentage of high technology firms is exogenous, while delaying retirement would cause a decrease of the unemployment rate of youngsters when percentage of the high technology firms is endogenous. And the wages of all workers would increase along with the delaying retirement and the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure. In addition, delaying retirement would give an impetus to the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure. Indeed, the number of vacancies posted by ?rms is in?uenced by the probability that an old worker is going into retirement and the percentage of high technology firms.  
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
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  • 国际标准刊号 ISSN 0577-9154      国内统一刊号 CN11-1081/F       国内邮发代号 2-251        国外代号 M16
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