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TitleTenure Stages and Independent Directors’ Voting Behavior  
作者郑志刚 阚铄 林毅坤 胡波 黄继承  
AuthorZheng Zhigang,Kan Shuo,Lin Yikun,Hu Bo and Huang Jicheng  
OrganizationRENMIN University of China;Peking University 
中文关键词任期阶段 独董特征的垂直差异 否定意见 独董任期交错 
Key WordsTenure Stages; the Vertical Divergence of Independent Director Characteristics; Negative Opinion; Staggered Independent Directors System 
AbstractIndependent directors in China’s listed firms are not allowed to serve more than two terms according to the relevant provisions. Only independent directors in their first term will face the reappointment problem. However, the directors who vote against management proposals in their first term are less likely to be reappointed. Such adverse selection phenomena warn the independent directors to avoid saying “No” to the management proposals, especially in their first term. Based on the unique data of voting results in China’s listed firms which are required to disclose, we find the probability of voting against management proposals, when independent directors are in the second term, is 0.41 times higher than in the first term, and the agency costs are higher in the firms whose board is mainly comprised of independent directors in their first term. This paper, therefore, provide empirical evidence that the stage characteristics of tenure will affect independent directors’ supervision behaviors. Our policy suggestion is that the formal system of staggered independent directors should be introduced in China’s listed firms. Such practice would push independent directors stay in their different stages of tenure and thus attenuate the effect of stage characteristics of tenure on independent directors’ supervision behavior. 
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
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  • 国际标准刊号 ISSN 0577-9154      国内统一刊号 CN11-1081/F       国内邮发代号 2-251        国外代号 M16
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