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TitleBounded Rationality, Internalization of Norms and Altruism——An Evolutionary Perspective  
AuthorNiu He  
OrganizationGraduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 
中文关键词有限理性 规范内化 利他行为 烟雾探测器原理 基于Agent建模 
Key WordsBounded Rationality; Internalization of Norms; Altruism; The Smoke Detector Principle; Agent-Based Modeling 
内容提要本文沿着有限理性的理论进路,通过规范内化对利他行为做出一个解释。以往的理论通过规范提供的外在奖惩解释利他行为,但无法解释在外在奖惩不存在的情况下出现的纯利他行为。本文认为,这些利他行为可以通过规范内化来解释,而后者则是有限理性的一个自然结果。为了阐明规范内化如何产生,本文给出了一个形式化的复制者动态,其结果表明,在考虑有限理性的前提下,社会交往越复杂,人类处理复杂性的认知能力越有限,规范内化出现的可能性就越大。针对复制者动态模型的局限,本文还运用基于Agent建模对规范内化过程进行了模拟,模拟结果显示,当人类理性计算能力相对于社会生活的复杂程度越小,规范内化出现的可能性越大,该结果与之前分析结论一致。本文的分析结果再次支持了Herbert Simon对利他行为的解释,即利他行为是人类有限理性的结果,虽然利他行为自身减少个体适应性,但由于它是规范内化所产生的一个自然结果,所以利他行为因为规范内化所具有的适应性而留存。 
AbstractThis paper gives an explanation to altruism through exploring the evolution of internalization of norms from perspective of bounded rationality. Extant theories explain altruism as the responses to extrinsic rewards and punishments given by norms. However, there are altruism behaviors without those extrinsic incentives existing. This paper argues that internalization of norms can be used to explain altruism behaviors above. By introducing EMT theory, this paper illustrates how internalization of norms as a cognitive bias being selected. In order to analyze the relation between internalization and bounded rationality, this paper gives a formal analysis by Replicators Dynamic Model. The result implies that the more the cost of rational calculations is, the more the possibility of internalization of norms is. In addition, this paper simulates the evolution of internalization of norms by Agent-based Modeling with Netlogo. The result confirms the result of analysis above. 
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
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