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TitleWhat Factors Lead to Chinese Overcapacity in Iron and Steel Industry and Differences in Ownership?  
作者马红旗 黄桂田 王韧  
AuthorMa Hongqi, Huang Guitian and Wang Ren  
OrganizationChina Agricultural University; Peking University; Industrial and Commercial University Of Chongqing 
中文关键词钢铁企业 产能过剩 产能利用率 周期性因素 非周期性因素 
Key WordsIron and Steel Industry; Overcapacity ; Capacity Utilization; Periodic Factors; Nonperiodic Factors 
Abstracties, the capacity utilization in Chinese iron and steel industry is not totally pro-cycle, it present procyclicality at take-off stage and counter-cyclicality at prosperous stage. The reason is that the capacity utilization in Chinese iron and steel industry not only has the periodic features influenced by the market requirement, but also has the nonperiodic features influenced by finance support, sunk cost, investment propensity, enterprise-scale, elasticity of employment and government subsidy. Some nonperiodic factors significantly impact the market adjustment function of periodic factors, especially in prosperous stage;(2)Finance support and sunk cost are two significant factors in inhibiting the raise of capacity utilization, which shows that loose monetary environment and capital intensive enterprise property are the root cause of Chinese longtime overcapacity. Therefore, the basic contradiction of Chinese capacity utilization in iron and steel industry is not simply the contradiction between supply and demand of the market but the contradiction between the allocation of resource via the market and not through the market;(3)Enterprise-scale significantly raise capacity utilization in Chinese iron and steel industry to some extent. However, this effect dramatically weakened in prosperous stage(2005-2007) ,its inseparable from the gusher phenomenon of small iron and steel enterprise. This suggests that relative to the big enterprise, small enterprise is more blind in making investment decision. Merger and recombine small iron and steel enterprise or a higher threshold for approval of projects based on enterprise-scale may be a important breach in governing the overcapacity in iron and steel industry;(4)The capacity utilization in state-owned enterprise is significantly lower than non state-owned enterprise, which is mainly caused by the differences in ownerships of finance support, market requirement and sunk cost. The contributions from these three factors to the differences in ownerships are 23.1%,13.7% and 12.6%,thus the impact of nonperiodic factors is much higher than periodic factors. 
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
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