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TitleLimited Demand, Market Constraint and Economic Growth  
作者陈昆亭 周炎  
AuthorCHEN Kunting and ZHOU Yan  
OrganizationYunnan University of Finance and Economics 
作者Email zhouyan@ zjut.edu.cn 
中文关键词有限需求 增长停滞 内生周期 可持续增长 
Key WordsLimited demand; Growth Stagnation; Endogenous Cycle; Sustainable Growth 
AbstractIn this paper, we put forward the hypothesis of “limited demand” to explain the economic growth. In the classical macroeconomic models, the consumption goods are generally considered to be the composite final goods, and the demands for such goods are unlimited. But in reality, the demand for a specific commodity is usually limited. We find that under the assumption of “limited demand”, the model economy can better explain the phenomena of “growth stagnation in the postmodern economy” . There are two situations in which limited demand is formed. The first is the subjective satiation of the demand, and the second is the passive limited demand due to the wealth constraint. The research on the saturated economy under limited demand shows that technological progress promotes endogenous economic growth, but also leads to income distribution differences. Excessive income distribution differences will lead to the decline of labor participation rate and the labor contribution rate, and the innovation rate will also decline. As a result, the technological progress and output rate will decline, resulting in the potential long-term economic fluctuations, and lead to a continuous decline in the driving force of growth. The ways to promote economic growth are to improve the demand continuously (improve the quality of products and services, invest new products, expand the external market), optimize the structure of social wealth distribution, and increase the disposable income of the common people. 
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
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  • 国际标准刊号 ISSN 0577-9154      国内统一刊号 CN11-1081/F       国内邮发代号 2-251        国外代号 M16
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