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The Last Fortnight Top 10
WP1019 The Benchmark Yield Curve and Macroeconomics: A Mixed Frequency Monetary DSGE ModelShang  Yuhuang  and  Zheng  Tingguo  


WP1185 House Price and Residents’ Risk PreferenceZhang  Guangli  and  Liu  Xiaoyuan  


WP87 The Listed Companies’ Stock Options in China: A Legitimate “Redemption” Tool for Large HolderChen  Shihua  and  Li  Weian  


WP1472 The Spillover Effects of Economic Development in Provincial Capital: An Analysis Based on Industrial Enterprise DataZhao  kui,Hou  Qingsong  and  Li  We  


WP931 Price Delay, Speculative Demand and Stock ReturnsHu  Conghui  and  Liu  Yuzhen  


WP153 Habit Formation and Its Impact on Macroeconomics: A SurveyYan  Chengliang,  Cui  Xiaoyong  and  Wang  Dihai  


WP714 A research on stress-testing for the credit risk on falling housing price to business banking—— based on the perspective oLv  Jianglin,Cai  Qun  and  Sun  Yajuan  


WP669 The tax burden distribution between corporation and employees in a high-tax environmentMa  Shuang,  Zhao  Weiyi  and  Zhang  Xiang  


WP1223 Pay Gap and Firm Innovation in ChinaKong  Dongmin,Xu  Mingli  and  Kong  Gaowen  


WP1363 Economics of China’s Shadow Banking: Driving Growth FactorsLI  Wenzhe  


Top 20
WP279The Theory and Empirical Analysis on the Average Profit RateCHENG  Enfu    MA  Yan    and    LI  Zhen  


wp11The effects of public investment on private investment Zhang  Yong;Gu  Mingming;Wang  Xi  


WP410Labor Cost and Inflation in ChinaWang  Jia  and  Zhang  Xiaojing  


WP17Inequality Aversion or Reciprocity? Chen  Yefeng  Zhou  Yean  and  Song  Zifeng  


WP8Effects of Chinese Export Growth on Employment:ACGE Model Analysis Lu  Wencong;  Li  Yuanlong  


WP521Network, Information Pool And Time Duplicate -- Duplicate Economic Model and Network Synergistic EffectZhang  yonglin  


wp37Can Chinese Yuan Revaluation Decrease the Sino-U.S. Bilateral Trade Surplus? Yu  Miaojie  


WP2Economic Growth Mode of Ancient China: A Research Based on the Ming Dynasty(1402-1626)Guan  Hanhui  ;David  Daokui  Li  


WP227Mineral resource tax structure, configuration and system reformSong  Wenfei,Li  Guoping  and    Han  Xianfeng  


WP1The Estimation of 50 Years’ GDP in Modern China Liu  Wei  ;Chen  Zhao  


WP141Does Tax Avoidance Enhance Firm Value?——Evidence from Chinese Listed CompaniesChen  Xudong,,Wang  Xue,Yang  Dan  and  Ye  Jianming  


wp5The Asymmetry of Both Private Benefits and Cost of Control and the Expropriation of Large State Shareholders Liu  Shaobo  


WP7Structural Problems and External Imbalance Yuan  Zhigang;Zhang  Ruoxue  


WP94Brain Outflow and China’s Technology Innovation:Power or Obstruction?Ping  Li,  Jiayun  Xu  and  Qingchang  Zhang  


WP16Empirical Study on Medical Insurance and Medical Care Demand for the Elderly in China Liu  Guoen  Cai  Chunguang  and  Li  Lin  


WP48Information Asymmetry and Investment-Cash Flow SensitivityQu  Wenzhou,Xie  Yalu  and  Ye  Yumei  


WP18Psychological Impact or Real Impact, How Large is the Effect of the Wencuan Earthquake on China’s Capital Markets? Shan  Liwei  


WP4A Research of Housing Bubbles Measurement in Our Country ——Basic factors, Main Indicators, and Partial Equilibrium Model Zhang  Baolin;He  Xiaofeng  


WP13Intergovernmental Transfer, Provision of Public Goods and the Expansion of Government’s Size Fan  Ziying;Zhang  Jun  


WP127China’s Multi-product Export Firms and Product Scope: Facts and ExplanationsQian  Xuefeng,  Wang  Sheng  and  Chen  Yongbing  


  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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